Monday, 29 October 2012

The Irony - Vivienne Westwood

My dissertation is on 'How and Why ethics are avoided in Fashion? as I was researching on child labour I came across the fashion show Vivienne Westwood did  in Africa which I found very ironic, high end fashion garments being photographed in a poor village in Africa. The two are very different rich vs poor. Another thing which is quite interesting is how the fashion world use extra thin models that don't look far off from the starving children in Africa. Representation of cultures through fashion and patterns.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Kaleidoscopeing ...

Trying out some  kaleidoscopeing they can form some awesome different unusual patterns...

These were taken from my Ipad , I have the kaleidoscope filter which allows to take pictures in a kaleidoscope way


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Headscarf: Fashion, culture Religion ?

As I have been researching on different cultures and patterns I became interested in looking at the headscarf. The purpose of the headscarf is used differently by different people. I collected pictures of the different ways they are worn , and how some wear it for religion some for culture some for tradition and some wear it for the simple use of fashion. I have started to wear the headscarf too for religious purposes so I wanted to expand my research about the Headscarf and the different styles and ways they are worn.

Vogue cover girl wearing headscarf for fashion purposes

Vogue cover girl wearing headscarf inspired by Africans - The Turban

African Headscarf- Culture

                                                        Turkish Headscarf - culture and religion
African Turban
Indonesian Style - Religion

                                   Traditional Pakistan style - religion and Culture
Fashion purpose

                                                                Fashion purpose

Monday, 1 October 2012

Trip to the Middle East...

Taking a trip to the Middle East looking at the beautiful , detailed and  intricate patterns on  architecture, fabrics, mosques and ceramic pieces. Islamic patterns are very interesting as they represent what the religion teaches. The patterns is always focused around one shape that is all linked together so for an instance in a dome the patterns will be all around which are connected together and linked  with one another and they will all meet at the middle point of the dome, this representation is that the Muslim's from all over the world any race any colour ,  follow one god so all the patterns around are representing  the people which all link to worshiping one God. Another thing which is communicated through the patterns are the Arabic scriptures of the holy Quraan, which is decorated around buildings, plates, wall hangings and mosques. 

Textile Rug

 A typical repeat of an Islamic Pattern.

Fabrics with Islamic Patterns

Common Blue Islamic Pattern

Ceramic plate with traditional Middle Eastern Pattern

Textile Rug Market

Arabic Motif

Traditional Middle Eastern Pottery  

Close up of Islamic Architecture 

Islamic Repeat

Islamic repeat

Islamic Patterns inside of  a Mosque

Inside of a Dome in a  Mosque 

Traditional Islamic carve work